Empower Satisfaction with Efficient Communication


Drive customer and employee satisfaction through automation and enhanced coaching tactics.


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Smart Aggregation – 2-opt

Increase productivity-1
Enhance Operational Efficiency
Empower Workforce
Empower Your Workforce
communicate actions
Optimize Communication
Group 226583
Deliver Exceptional Experiences

Are unaddressed issues threatening productivity, participation, engagement and ROI? 

Inconsistent and inaccurate communication leaves dissatisfied customers without timely information.
Policy enforcement ambiguity creates confusion for both customers and employees.
Subpar workflow experiences lead to employee disengagement, impacting performance and job satisfaction.
Excessive manual processes decrease overall output of workforce.


Enhancing operations for efficiency, engagement, and cost savings

Customer Optimized Operations
Exceptions by Type Tile
Boost operational efficiencies and increase customer satisfaction, conversion rates, retention – all with substantial ROI.
Automated Digital Workflows
Automated Digital Workflows-new
Automate Tasks
Automate task prioritization and workflows – enhance employee effectiveness for a high-performance worforce.
High Workforce Engagement
Cell Phone violation shadow
Clear job expectations, streamlined workflows, and fair, system-driven assessments lead to more engaged, satisfied, and productive employees.
Reduced Operational Costs
System-driven operations with
automated alerts and digital workflows reduce costly manual workforce adminstration.
Case Study

Read how real customers achieved real satisfaction

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What our customers say

Mask Group 274
Director of Operations

Global Top 3 – Oil & Gas Distributor


“Happy team members who love their work make a much bigger contribution to the success of our company. Tourmo's AI Platform has made a big difference in our employee engagement and overall satisfaction.”

How can our Satisfaction module help you? 



Collect data on driving behavior, acceleration, braking, speed, and location.


Powered by

Tourmo® AutoPilot

A single integrated open system for full visibility, smarter decisions, and agile action. Program-level data unified, prioritized, and actionable.

Data Centralization
Data Centralization

Unify data sets from different sources into a single integrated system.


System-driven management, prioritized into actions for managers and workers.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Extend automation to the full cycle of a machine learning model.


Organized and automated tasks and jobs decrease time spent by teams.


Action Board

One unified dashboard to control all operational KPIs, tasks, and workflows.

Timely Communication
Timely Communication

Notifications, alerts, status, and system driven accountability.

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence

Analysis and visualization of data that drives business decisions.

Executive Oversight
Executive Oversight

Equip leaders with insights for comprehensive strategic oversight.

Happy drivers = happy customers

Enhance Operational Efficiency
Enhance Operational Efficiency


Tourmo’s platform streamlines your operations, reducing bottlenecks and ensuring a smoother, more efficient workflows, in turn, leading to happier employees and customers.

Enhance Operational Efficiency
Empower Your Workforce
Empower Your Workforce


Automate tasks and simplifying processes, making your team's job easier and more productive. When your employees feel capable and supported, their satisfaction soars.

Empower Your Workforce
Optimize Communication
Optimize Communication


Tourmo's effective and transparent platform ensures that your customers are kept informed and engaged throughout their interactions with your business resulting in happier and more loyal clientele.

Optimize Communication
Deliver Exceptional Experiences
Deliver Exceptional Experiences


Tourmo combines data for insights that proactively identify and address potential issues through alerts and task resolution, ensuring a seamless and timely customer experience through relevant communication.

Deliver Exceptional Experiences

Product Demo

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Right Side Laptop Action Board