How AI Platforms Improve Fleet Driver Risk Assessment

Fleet managers must routinely monitor for common safety risks. The most significant number of risks are directly related to driver behavior. We will discuss them here.

How AI Platforms Improve Fleet Driver Risk Assessment

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a cutting-edge technology that combines data and algorithms to replicate human decision-making and reasoning abilities. Many industries have adopted these sophisticated algorithms to help their systems learn and resolve issues independently.

The future of transportation seems bright, thanks to the innovative use of AI technology in fleet management. Unpredictable road conditions, unexpected operational costs, and aggressive driver behavior may quickly become concerns of the past as more fleets switch to AI-based solutions.

This blog will highlight the advantages of using advanced AI technology, emphasizing how companies can use AI to spot false positives, verify driving violations, and identify behavioral patterns across all drivers when assessing driver performance.

In addition to discussing the most prevalent risks to look for, such as unintentional liabilities and safety breaches, we will briefly introduce fleet driver risk assessments.

What is a Fleet Driver Risk Assessment?

Unfortunately, there are many fleet drivers with room to improve their driving behaviors. Fleet vehicles driven carelessly or recklessly can introduce several risks to the company, the driver, vehicle passengers, and the general public.

Fleet driver risk assessments can mitigate risks, evaluate drivers' abilities, and promote safety and legal compliance. Companies routinely use these assessments to examine drivers' physical and mental skills while operating a vehicle and ensure drivers adhere to safety regulations.

Watching Out for Common Risks

Fleet managers must routinely monitor for these common risks. The most significant number of risks are directly related to driver behavior. These risks include:

  • Physical Damage — The most common risk associated with fleet management is physical damage caused by an accident where your fleet vehicle collides with another vehicle or object. In addition, every year, businesses experience losses due to stolen or vandalized vehicles.
  • Personal Injury — The worst thing that can happen is losing a driver's life in a car accident. The most severe risk related to fleet management is this one. Unfortunately, accidents regularly result in injuries to drivers. Fleet managers should do everything possible to mitigate this risk.
  • Accidental Liability — A significant risk of liability for physical damage and personal injury exists when other parties are involved in accidents. The likelihood that a fleet enterprise will be found liable in a lawsuit may ultimately depend on how closely it has examined the safety regulations of its fleet and put continuous monitoring and improvement plans in place before accidents occur.
  • Excessive Wear and Tear — When unmonitored, the way drivers treat their vehicles can be careless. Because drivers don't have to pay for it, they may treat vehicles harshly, resulting in unexpected repair and maintenance fees.
  • Reputation Damage — Harm to a business's reputation in the community and the marketplace can occur when unmonitored driving behavior leads to reckless driving and accidents that don’t present the company’s preferred image.

How AI Platforms Improve Fleet Driver Risk Assessment

Artificial intelligence technology is used in some fleet management software to improve driver risk assessments. With AI, a collection of accurate and reliable risk predictors can be generated by analyzing data to reveal patterns connected to past observed behavior.

Predictive analytics, which anticipates future risks, can also be utilized with AI fleet management software. Predictive analytics can accurately predict future risks independent of weather, mechanical problems, and traffic and road conditions.

Fleet enterprises can use all insights gained by AI technology to improve fleet driver risk assessments, driver feedback, and coaching. Additionally, it enables fleet managers and drivers to choose the best course of action in potentially dangerous situations. 

Tourmo’s AI-Powered Platform

Large-scale data collection and analysis are essential to all operational processes because it is impossible to make good decisions without them. You can interpret your data more accurately thanks to Tourmo's use of the most advanced cutting-edge AI technology.

Traditional telematics provides GPS events and incidents during driving time without consideration of various external factors.Tourmo AI uses normalization, contextualization, and advanced route reasoning to remove inaccuracies. Tourmo’s patented approach considers many factors, such as location and road conditions, to produce an entirely fair and unbiased analysis. 

Tourmo can spot false positives, verify driving violations, and identify behavioral patterns across your drivers when assessing driver performance. With Tourmo, drivers and managers can have confidence in accurate, trusted, and fair fleet driver assessments.

Tourmo AI — Advanced Solutions for Safe Driving

All fleet enterprises can benefit greatly from AI technology's ability to analyze large datasets in real-time to provide answers to previously unresolvable issues. AI can quickly reduce costs, accidents, and other management issues that make it challenging to maintain optimal safety levels.

Tourmo’s AI-powered platform can evaluate drivers' risk in real-time and, using automated workflows, alert drivers when necessary to avoid safety incidents, resulting in fewer accidents, and lower costs.  AI powered scoring enables gamification and positive recognition programs for fleets of all sizes by identifying and celebrating drivers performing at high levels, reinforcing safe driving through high performance scores. 


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